How do we build a climate movement that can win?

By Lisbeth Latham. The unprecedented glacial melting, diminishing sea ice shelves, and extensive fires globally have fuelled growing existential angst around the looming climate catastrophe. This angst has been a major source of the emergence and growth of the climate strike movement globally which has seen millions of people drawn […]

National liberation, class and the fetishisation of armed struggle

By Alex Homits. It strikes me that Ireland has many movements which commemorate, glorify and fetishise armed struggle without truly grasping the conditions or consequences that accompany it. It is significant to note that there exists in the western world a large amount of leftists who parade their interest for […]

The left must take the lead in building a new Ireland

By Seán MacBrádaigh. As we approach the centenary of Britain’s partition of Ireland it is important to reflect on how the events of that period continue to influence the reality of Ireland today; how the legacy of political conservatism can be overcome; and why socialists should lead the building of […]